Liturgy Notes: Care of Altar Linens -2014/09

Diocese of Prince George

Notes on the Liturgy

The question of proper care for altar linens has been raised. The General Instruction of the
Roman Missal says:
“The practice should be kept of building in the sacristy a sacrarium [a sink that empties directly
into the ground] into which is poured the water from the washing of sacred vessels and linens.”
If a church does not have a sacrarium, the altar linens such as purificators and corporals should
be rinsed in water that is then poured out on the ground. The linens are then laundered in the
usual way.

Redemptionis Sacramentum reiterates this discipline:
“Let pastors take care that the linens for the sacred table, especially those which will receive the
sacred species, are always kept clean and that they are washed in the traditional way. It is
praiseworthy for this to be done by pouring the water from the first washing, done by hand, into
the church’s sacrarium or into the ground in a suitable place. After this a second washing can be
done in the usual way.” (#120)

September 2014