Wednesday Weekly – 26Feb14

Wednesday Weekly February 26, 2014 Print Version

1.      Seminary Live-In for Men, April 4-6, 2014:

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins:

The next Vocation “Live-in” for Men will take place April 4-6, 2014 at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC.  A Vocation Live-In is an opportunity for young men ages Grade 10 and up to meet other young men searching for God’s will. During the weekend there are times for community prayer, daily mass and rosary, sports, discussion groups, and a tour of the seminary. For more information, call Fr. Terry Brock at 250-635-2313.


2.      World Day of Prayer 2014

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

A World Day of Prayer interdenominational service will be held in Prince George at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Friday, March 7th at 7:00 pm. The origins of the World Day of Prayer date back to the 19th century when Christian women initiated a variety of activities in support of women’s involvement in mission at home and in other parts of the world. For 2014, a committee of Egyptian laywomen prayerfully chose the theme, “Streams in the Desert”. Water, as with many places in the world is a central theme of the future for Egypt.  For more information about the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada and further resources on the 2014 World Day of Prayer, please visit:

3.      Shepherd’s Corner News

Please put the following notice in parish bulletins in the Central Region:

Sr. Jude Van Baalen, OP has been appointed Coordinator of Shepherd’s Corner. We give thanks to Roseann Lalonde, who was the interim Coordinator following Sr. Jean Marie Lehtinen’s departure last year. Roseann is retiring from administration and will be missed by all.  Thank you to Sr. Jude for taking on this responsibility.

Shepherd’s Corner is always in need of more volunteers to help run the centre. Volunteers are a welcoming presence at the Corner to assure that the guests have a safe place to find a listening ear, someone to care and to journey with them for a few hours during the day. If you are interested in learning more about being a Shepherd’s Corner volunteer, you are invited to call 250-562-9330 or drop by 1204-2 Avenue between 10 am and 1 pm weekdays.  Thank you!


4.      Domano Renewal Centre Calendar – March

The March At a Glance newsletter for the Domano Renewal Centre is attached.  Check out their Lenten programs for March and April.  All Domano Renewal Centre events can be viewed on the Diocesan Calendar found on the Diocese website at:

 March at a Glance


5.      Lenten Message

Please find attached the Holy Father’s Message for Lent 2014 whose theme is “He became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich (cf. 2 Cor 8:9).  During the Lenten season, the Holy Father asks us to meditate especially on the richness of the “way” of poverty that Christ offers us as the only effective means to overcome the various forms of misery that afflict humanity: material, moral and spiritual.

Holy Father – Message for Lent 2014